Thursday, February 07, 2008

Weight Loss

OK. You're fat and miserable. You don't know what to do. You feel that the world is coming to an end. You hate yourself. You need help. You resort to the quick fix, lose weight in a week thing.

It is no surprise that the weight loss industry is booming. I have read that "the weight loss industry is an industry that is like a carnivorous animal that feeds on people´s desperation to lose weight and to live healthy lives". I find this all true. Peope are finding ways to achieve that perfect health body. There are tons and tons of recommendations from God knows who - from herbal teas, to diet pills, to diets, to exercise. Name it. Someone would find a way to create it....and people would buy it.

Being a member of "women who need to lose weight", I find this so true... I don't know how many books that I have read, how many diets that I have tried. Because of one thing - to achieve that body that I crave for...

Let's review these products:

1. Diet Pills

There are tons and tons of diet pills in the market today. Each of them claiming that it will stop your body from absorbing the fat that you eat or they will claim that the pill will sent a trigger in your brain to stop you from craving that piece of chocalte cake. To this I say, be very careful.. When you read, "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Adminstration" printed in that diet bottle that should be enough to give you warning bells. And please... please remember not all natural sources are deemed safe. A rare plant from Timbuktu doesn't mean that it can give you that magic formula to attain that "oh so gorgeous body".

2. Slimming Pants

Please. Not true. These products just cover whatever you want to hide. They may also be dangerous and uncomfortable. It does not let your skin breathe, and can lead to overheating and dizziness.

3. Slimming Creams

This has to be one of the biggest frauds seen anywhere in any industry. The idea was that by rubbing this cream on certain areas of your body would enable you to reduce fat. Weight loss occurs when you are burning more calories than you are consuming, it is that simple.
Don't sit back and just wait for your problems to magically disappear. There is no quick fix. You need to accpet that you do need to change your ways and lead a better life for a healthier you. Being aware of your weight does not mean that you have to be a size 2 in order to be happy, but it means finding a size that suits you and that brings your body to a state of health and balance

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